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About LCs
What is a Lactation Consultant?
Lactation Consultants believe that breastfeeding matters to women and their babies.
Almost all New Zealand women breastfeed, but some wean earlier than they would like, due to problems that are avoidable or manageable. A Lactation Consultant can make a difference between giving up, and continuing to breastfeed for as long as mother and baby wish.
What do Lactation Consultants do?
Where do Lactation Consultants work?
Lactation Consultants are:
Clinical Specialists in hospitals and the community
Childbirth & Parent Educators
Well Child & Paediatric Nurses
Midwives & Doctors
Practice Nurses & General Practitioners
Researchers, Teachers & Writers
Women may self refer or be referred by:
Other women
Practice Nurses
La Leche League
General Practitioners
Social Workers
Well Child Providers
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